viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

My future job

Hi classmates and teacher! How are you?  Today I´m going to talk about of my future, especially about my future job.

Well, really I don´t decided what kind of job I would like to have. Even recently I have doubt about this.
I´m interested in learn the Qualitative technique. Because, I like to work with persons, to know what think, what opinion about certain matter. Hence, I would like to work on ground, having the possibility to learn from society directly. The aspects I would considerer when I choose a job are mainly my workspace, because I would hate working in a office, enclosed within four walls all days, almost five days a week. NOT completely!  
I want to work on something that is a contribution to society, maybe help people in specific subjects. I had thought about working in a public agency or a investigation agency, maybe I would like to job in UNESCO.

Respect the place in which the work is located I don´t mind working in Santiago or in a city, but obviously I prefer to job in a quieter place.

In the moment that I have to give a interview for find job and I would have to talk about my strength and weaknesses I would say:

My strength are maybe that I´m responsible, sociable and a bit of a perfectionist (well, waybe this could be a weaknesses too).

Moreover, my weaknesses is that sometimes I wake up in a lousy mood, I feel that with a small thing or simple details that go wrong could come to ruin my day. (I´m working on it.) 

Thanks for read my blogs. Good bye everyone! I hope you have a good weekend. 

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012


 Hi teacher and classmates! How are you?

Well, today I´m going to talk about “the dreams”. This topic is very interesting to me. Mainly, because I´m intrigued by their meanings. Dreams are manifestations of mental images, sounds, thoughts and feelings in an individual sleeper, and usually related to reality.
Dreams can last for a few seconds, or as long as twenty minutes. People are more likely to remember the dream if they are awakened during the REM phase. (last stage of sleep).
According to some scientists, the person has 3 to 5 dreams per night. The most wonderful of dreams, is that they range from normal and ordinary to overly surreal and bizarre. Dreams can have varying natures, such as frightening, exciting, magical, melancholic, adventurous, or sexual.
Opinions about the meaning of dreams have varied and shifted through time and culture.

The psychotherapist Sigmund Freud developed a theory that the content of dreams is driven by unconscious wish fulfillment. He theorized that the content of dreams reflects the dreamer's unconscious mind and specifically that dream content is shaped by unconscious wish fulfillment.

Freud's difference:
Dreams with manifest content: is superficial and meaningless.
Dreams with latent content: relates to deep unconscious wishes or fantasies

Freud developed a psychological technique to interpret dreams and devised a series of guidelines to understand the symbols and motifs that appear in our dreams.

As data, a study conducted by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology concluded that most people believe that "their dreams reveal meaningful hidden truths". (1)

Good bye! I hope you have a good weekend.

(1)     Cloud, John (February 25, 2009). "Why dreams mean less than we think". Time magazine. Retrieved October 26, 2011.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The lord of the rings

 Hi teacher and classmates! How are you?

Well, today I have to choose a topic. I chose to talk about a movie.

Today i´m going to talk about my favorite movie, The lord of the rings. Is an epic high fantasy novel written by English philologist and University of Oxford professor J.R.R. Tolkien. The novel was written between 1937 and 1949. The novel was divided into three parts, for editorial reasons: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King.  The three volumes of the novel were adapted to film by New Zealander Peter Jackson between 2001 and 2003. 

Some actors that participate are, Elijah Wood como Frodo Bolsón, Viggo Mortensen (as Aragorn), Ian McKellen (as Gandalf), Orlando Bloom (as Legolas) and Christopher Lee (as Saruman).
The movie begins when the hobbit Frodo finds the ring that kept her uncle Bilbo Baggins. Frodo learns the secret of the ring, the wich talking about that, in the inside of the ring was the soul of the Sauron. Then Frodo with friends Sam, Merry and Pippin, and a wizard, an elf, an dwarf, and two warriors men begins your travel. They must to find Mordor, for destroyed the ring. I like the plot of the movie and also contains special effects.

Good bye everyone! I hope you have a good weekend. Thank for read my blog. J

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Greek police accused of using protester as human shield

The visit of German chancellor Angela Merkel, this week, to cause angry demonstrations, in which denounced that riot police used a female protester as a human shield.
Witnesses told  the woman was handcuffs to cover riot police.

The inquiry into the human shield allegations was opened after photographs of the incident began to circulate on the internet. Lieutenant Colonel Christos Manouras, Greece's police spokesman. "We want to find out what these pictures hide."

The photographs showed a woman is seen being escorted by riot police before being placed in front of the unit when it encounters stone-throwing protesters.Witnesses said the woman appeared to be disoriented and terrified.

Foula Pharmacides, a shipping company employee, say: " The girl was falling down and he was picking her up. She was crying and clearly terrified. I couldn't believe it. You only ever see this sort of thing in the movies. Everyone started screaming 'Shame on you! Shame on you!' I remember there were two women next to me and they were crying, too, and screaming for the police to stop."

Veteran photographer Spyros Tsakiris, who also witnessed the incident, said:
As Greek descends into further chaos amid mounting social and political tensions, accusations of police brutality are growing. In recent months, reports have multiplied of codes of conduct being flouted by law enforcement officers.

"Since democracy was restored in 1974 [with the collapse of military rule] I have attended hundreds of demonstrations and have seen police sit on people and kneel on people, but never someone being used as a human shield," he said.

If you want read the news:

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

the cat

Hi teacher and classmates! How are you?

Today  I´m going to talk about my favorite animal. Well, I  have many favorite animals, therefore, is difficult to me choose one animal. I think in a horse, in a dolphin, in a bird, in a dog... But I decided to talk about a cat.

The cat is a carnivorous mammal of the Felidae family, and your physical characteristics are: the cat is hairy and some are of different colors as black, white, brown, reddish or a combination thereof, is small, weighs about 5 kilos approximately and has a tail.

I like because is a small animal and I can have in my home. Also, the cat is a animal very sociable even communicates through meows.

A particular characteristic they communicate with moans and also groans and they can be trained to perform different tricks. And the cats are very intelligent´s because they have the ability to hunt vermin and house hold pests. Currently there are about 80 different races of cats. Your life expectancy is 15 years.

Really, I want a cat, but a little cat are adorable!

Thank for read my blog. I hope you have a good weekend. Good bye!

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

My best holidays

Hi classmates! how are you?

Today I`m going to talk about my best holiday.  Well, really I don´t have special holiday to tell you. But I decided tell you about my holidays to south of Chile, specifically I travel to Valdivia, Pucón and Villarica. I travelled in 2010 with my family.  My dad, my mother and my brother. 

I remember after a long journey on nearly 8 hours we came to region of Lakes. I don`t remember exactly to what place we came first. In Valdivia, we leave to walk to the city, I liked, is beautiful, the landscapes are wonderfull.
I visited the Reserve Huil-Huilo, I loved this place. Was an inmense forest. 

The mos fantastic was to walking in tres. Also, ther was a waterfall but i don`t remember your name. Other day we visited the Villarica Volcano. The most amazing and extreme was rafting with my brother. Later we came to baths that day it was very cold so it was ideal. 
I have many pictures on this trip.
Think of it… these are my best holiday. Principally because i shared time with my family.

Good bye, take care. I hope you have a good weekends.