viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

About me

Hi my name is Diana Arenas I was born in Rancagua on July 6th, 1992. I`m 20 years old. My family is composed of my parents Yris and Ruben my brother Raimundo. We lives in Los Lirios, a town located in Requinoa.

I did my elementary school at the Escuela República de Francia. The high school I made it at the Liceo Comercial Diego Portales,where i received the technical degree in administration after making my professional practice for three months. Currently studying sociology at the University of Chile. Why I live inSantiago, renting an apartment with my cousins.

I love going out with my boyfriend, biking and walking through the parks. I also like visiting the mall, watching movies, reading, listening music, dancing and spending time my friends

2 comentarios:

  1. This is the first time I see the name Yris, really nice name. And I never heard of Requinoa before...
    nice post see you!

  2. Do you like french? I think is more beautiful than english.
